Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sporty Spice

Admittedly, exercise and I have not been the best of friends lately (re. my confession in Beauty Breakdown that my closest form of cardio as of late has been speed shopping), we are more like frenemies, once BFFs and now archenemies. Just the thought of downward dog makes me sleepy and the idea of lacing up my tired old running shoes conjures unpleasant feelings and a general sense of unease. The only cure for my work out woes; a wardrobe makeover! Just like most healthy relationships, the only way to mend my broken union with exercise is with a healthy dose of retail therapy.

  What better way to reconnect with my old pal physical fitness than to buy her a shiny new present? My gift of choice, a spiffy new pair of Nike Free Runs (Free 4.0 V2 (Google Affiliate Ad)) to stir up those old familiar feelings. They are so cute and comfy and can almost pass as normal footwear, much like my favorite lounge wear can closely mimic actual clothing when my party clothes become too binding. Here's hoping my new kicks rekindle the flame that once burned bright between us and I can keep to Kanye's workout plan. Just do it.
fitness footwear & fur, a fetching combo
 Photos by Me!