Monday, August 27, 2012

Hail Mary

self portaits are so artsy...
and necessary when your photographer leaves town.
Large Brass Cross Necklace: Melrose Trading Post
Turquoise Cross Necklace, Silver Cross Bracelet: Brandy Melville

As a real testament to my religious fixation as of late, I am currently listening to Neon Bible by Arcade Fire while writing this post. Jesus has always been my homeboy and my obsession with religious themed jewelry dates back to my Catholic schoolgirl days when I desperately wanted to wear my rosary around my neck as a compliment to the tiny gold cross I donned in support of my main man J.C..  This usage was frowned upon by the nuns, and other clergymen,  at my school because apparently the rosary is for praying not for accessorizing. My passion for the cross was reignited this spring on a trip to Melrose Trading Post while in Los Angeles visiting friends. We were doing a frenetic pre-Coachella sweep of the place when I stumbled upon an amazing sideways gold cross necklace that was screaming my name. The fashion gods must have been smiling down on me because a few weeks later I was appropriately fitted for the second coming of Tupac during Snoop Dogg’s set on the last night of Coachella. Tupac rose from the dead WWJD style to sing me my all time favorite gangsta rap, Hail Mary. Since that mind-blowing night I’ve been oddly obsessed with the song  and I’ve continued to amass the religious inspired accessories. Brandy Melville has some great pious pieces at the moment, including this silver cross bracelet and turquoise cross necklace I just picked up. I like to see just how many sideways crosses I can wear at once and how that number directly correlates to the number of people that ask me if I am a devil worshiper or part of the Occult.
                                                                                   Tupac lives

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